First blog post of the new year. Just redesigned the layout of the blog, there are a few little details to come back and address. I'm finding it amazing the integration of tools that has happened with time.
New Tools
I'm sitting here at a Mac Pro, with a new laptop (Acer Aspire 1830T-3721) at my side, and a new android smartphone (Huawei M860 Ascend) hooked up to the laptop. So yes there's a bunch of new technology that I've got to dive through gaining skill on and bringing to the table. Part of the acquisition is working with someone on a new business venture.
My Box Isn't Big Enough
One thing I've found is that I learn faster when I'm teaching others. Sharing the victories of integration ... but it takes a certain audience to understand it. You can use the term GEEK, and yes I fit that from time to time. But what I honestly need is a crew of people interested and dedicated to working together. I've found too many people in Detroit don't stick together very well. We learn enough from someone as a mentor then run off and take on the work they were doing. Maybe I'm old-school in my approach by loyalty goes a long way in my book.
A good team gets to know its strengths and weaknesses. A good team leader knows they aren't going to do everything, but they want to know something about what the members do and encourage interaction. A busy team working together can develop a great style for debate that makes getting through tough times much easier. Being able to disagree but come to a working arrangement makes for a stronger product, that likely appeals to a broader market having considered more points of view.